Sourdough Starter Instructions
Day #1
ASAP after receiving. Please mix the contents with 4 oz/1/2 cup each H2O and Wild Hive flour into a clean container. Keep it loosely covered in a warm space.
Day #2
It should have doubled in size and have noticeable bubbles throughout. In a clean bowl or container mix the young ferment with 8 oz/1 cup each H2O and Wild Hive Flour. Repeat the storage process.
Day #3
It’s bake day! Or refrigerate ferment after this feeding.
Mix the 1:1:1 ratio again but this time with 16 oz/2 cups each ferment, H2O and Wild Hive Flour. Once again, keep it warm and let it rise to double in size and then start mixing your dough. Or refrigerate before it doubles in size.Most sourdough bread recipes require about 18% to 20% ferment in a recipe. That may be a little less during the heat and humidity of the summer.
For future baking remove the ferment from the refrigerator and pour off any dark liquid down the drain (Ferments are great for the septic system) After removing that liquid I like to give a little rinse with fresh water to the top of the batch. Remove enough of the ferment (1/3 of the amount that you will need for your bread recipe) from that container into another clean container and add the H20 and Wild Hive Flour. Repeat the Day 3 process again. Use the 1:1:1 ratio to make the amount of ferment that you need for your recipe. If you end up with extra ferment you can get creative and use it in many things. Try pancakes, crackers, or English muffins.
Have fun! Happy baking!