Whole Grain Rye Chops
Cracked berries bursting with flavor, it makes an ideal substitute for any recipe that calls for pearl barley, makes a satisfying hot cereal, and a delicious whole grain side dish. It is popular with home brewers to add a unique quality to beers, ales and schnapps.
Cracked berries bursting with flavor, it makes an ideal substitute for any recipe that calls for pearl barley, makes a satisfying hot cereal, and a delicious whole grain side dish. It is popular with home brewers to add a unique quality to beers, ales and schnapps.
Cracked berries bursting with flavor, it makes an ideal substitute for any recipe that calls for pearl barley, makes a satisfying hot cereal, and a delicious whole grain side dish. It is popular with home brewers to add a unique quality to beers, ales and schnapps.